Tonight there was a lot more hand on learning.We had to come to class with a baked cake that we could level and tort, a filling of some sort for the middle, 2 batches of icing, and an assortment of doodads and thingamajigs.Seriously I had enough stuff to bring to class(to share with Cortney as well), that it filled one of the big IKEA shopping bags.I also wanted to buy a couple more things when we got there, and I am glad I did.Using the new tools and being shown how to use them, REALLY makes decorating significantly easier.
We started by leveling the top of the cake off with a cake leveler(have yet to find the cheap on I want, but I will buy it when I find it), and then we had to tort it.I was a little apprehensive at first, thinking it was going to crumble, or fall to pieces, but it was so easy!We then had to put a barrier of icing around the edge of the middle, and then fill it with the filling we brought.I made and brought vanilla pudding.Putting the top layer back on was not something that went well for me.My cake decided to protest and it broke in half, but you can’t tell in the final product.The icing of the full cake actually went easily for me.Cortney had some issues with her cake crumbling, but I think it’s just a matter of patience and persistence, and then she will be able to do it with no problem, although in her defence her cake was a little crumbly to begin with.The next step was to put an outline of the design we wanted to decorate on the cake.This step is really neat and makes decorating so much easier as it gives you guide lines(super simple sneaky trick).You trace with piping gel on a piece if wax or parchment paper the design you want to put on the cake.You then flip the tracing over and place it onto the cake, rub the lines with a little brush, remove the paper, and VOILA, you now have an outline of the design to follow right on your cake!From there the only thing you really have to think about it what colors you want to use to decorate, unless you already have that figured out.If so then you just color in the lines and you are done! My cake is nowhere near perfect, but for my first try I am super happy with it! It was a really great class and I learned a lot.Next week is cupcakes, so I am super excited to learn more tricks for those!
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