This week has been the most fabulous week, in terms of the weather. Once we all got over the flu, we could not help but take advantage of the +25 degree temperatures. Monday Mike dug out the bikes and trailer, grabbed our little neighbour and set off on a bike ride. We decided to go to the beach and play at the park there, and test out the water. Because the snow and ice melted so quickly the water level was the highest I have ever seem it, and it was C-O-L-D!!! Xander had a lot of fun climbing on and playing around the small play structure. He could have kept playing for hours. After a while of playing and swinging on the swings, we decided it was the perfect night for ice cream. We didn't want to go too far as we had Tyler with us, so we ended up at Macs and got some cones there. Xander LOVED the ice cream, and was not happy that Tyler wouldn't share his.

Thursday morning, I decided that I was confident enough to be able to attach the bike trailer to my bike and go for a small bike ride and met my friend Karrie at the park. The kids played in the sand, played on the swings, and drew with chalk!

It was so nice to have the summer like temperatures in March. We all needed to get out and get some much needed vitamin D. Our moods are higher and now we move onto vacation!
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